🪴We are committed to providing our customers with quality, affordable seeds. 🌱
🌱We guarantee your 100% satisfaction, for we know you will love our quality!
🌱Satisfaction Guaranteed
Our goal is to offer exceptional quality to ensure your best garden ever! Your seeds have been germination tested and found to meet or exceed the Federal standards for interstate commerce. We will work with reasonable requests for replacement/return due to poor germination, or due to concerns you may have about other plants or products. Although every precaution is taken to ensure accuracy, errors in price, quantity, and/or specifications may occur in printing. We reserve the right to correct such errors.
🌱Untreated and Non-GMO Seeds
All of the seeds that we sell are untreated (not coated with fungicides or insecticides) and non-GMO.
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Pumpkins need full sun, rich fertile soil and warm temperatures. Wait to plant until temperatures stay above 50°F (10°C) day and night. Sow groups of 2 to 3 seeds 3 feet apart and 1 inch deep in rows 4 feet apart. Thin to 1 strong seedling per group to give vines room to spread.
Or, make slightly mounded hills 2 to 3 feet across and 8 ft. apart and plant 4 to 5 seeds of one variety in each hill. When seedlings have several sets of leaves, thin to 3 seedlings per hill. Protect young seedlings from marauding birds by covering with plastic berry baskets at sowing time, removing before young plants get crowded.
All pumpkins need to mature properly, so wait to pick until rinds are fully colored and tough enough to resist piercing with a fingernail and vines have died back. Then cut, leaving a good stem handle. Let them cure for 10 days in the sun, then store in a cool dry place and they’ll keep for months.
Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
Germination days: 6 - 12 days
Maturation days: 110-120 days